The Guild of Dark Sorcerers (RP for All!)

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Re: The Guild of Dark Sorcerers (RP for All!)

Post by Athnal »

The carpet...threadbare and depleted...words of master Koschei rattled in Athnal's head for a while. He rolled it back and left to look for a shelter in nearby forest. Why master Koschei has been so rough on his meditation carpet. Must have been lack of taste, surely. Athnal shrugged, dissatisfied with his first encounter. Ways of dark magic may be different from politics or Royal Court, he thought. He settled in small grove and ate a portion of black mushrooms. His senses traveled far away from the Tower, but his spirit couldn't wait till tomorrow.

Re: The Guild of Dark Sorcerers (RP for All!)

Post by koschei »

He squinted at Brikka, pausing before the threshold of the tower.

"Very well, the vow.

Take special care when reciting this oath, to repeat it exactly, and to direct all your will towards it. This oath binds you to this guild of dark sorcerers, drawing on the same dark forces that will power all of your sorcery. Bear in mind the story of the famed Shadow Acolyte, Al-Hazir, who lost concentration while reciting the oath, and consequently saw his right arm become withered and useless.

Once you are finished reciting it, we will step inside and carry out a small but useful ritual, the reason we went to go get that bird.”

In sonorous, dreadful tones he began to recite the vow, pausing after every few lines to allow the orc to repeat it. He watched her carefully to note her reaction to the words she spoke.
The Oath of the Dread Ancients wrote: Death comes to all.

Strength will ebb.
--Eyes will grow dim.
Voices will become weak.
--Breath will fail.
Light will fade.
--Darkness comes to all.

While I have strength,
--I will strive against others.
While I have sight,
--I will search for weakness.
While I have voice,
--I will speak only curses.
While I have breath,
--I will blow a cold wind.

Light will fail.
--I will bring darkness to all.

Re: The Guild of Dark Sorcerers (RP for All!)

Post by Brikka »

She nodded at his command to focus her will on the words. She was an orc, all she did was by will. He had much to learn as well as teach. He was used to human students, he would adjust.

She repeated his words after each pause. Her voice took on a second tone. The words came as if spoken in harmony. It was this second tone in her incantations which caused issues with the shamans back home. Possessed, they claimed. She resented the term and left to find who knew more than little nature magics. Master Koschei was elder and stronger, but they were cut from the same dark night. He would not see it as a fault or flaw. He would teach her the rituals of chaos. The irony of that concept was lost on her. She repeated dutifully and willfully.
The Oath of the Dread Ancients wrote: Death comes to all.

Strength will ebb.
--Eyes will grow dim.
Voices will become weak.
--Breath will fail.
Light will fade.
--Darkness comes to all.

While I have strength,
--I will strive against others.
While I have sight,
--I will search for weakness.
While I have voice,
--I will speak only curses.
While I have breath,
--I will blow a cold wind.

Light will fail.
--I will bring darkness to all.
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Re: The Guild of Dark Sorcerers (RP for All!)

Post by balerion »

Approaching the guild I call to koschei asking if I can come inside. "Hey koschei can I come inside already? It's getting cold out here!"
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: The Guild of Dark Sorcerers (RP for All!)

Post by Brikka »

The vow complete, she looks at Koschei with unblinking eyes. In them is a fire. This is all she wanted and more. The power to cause her enemies to fall! And without getting her hands dirty. She was reveling in her new purpose, waiting the ritual, the study, the wide future. Then a voice boomed outside. Her brow knit, considering the tone of the request.

"This other student? He sound -- large. Not orc. Not man contemplating. He knows of you. I open door, or you, Master Koschei?"
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Re: The Guild of Dark Sorcerers (RP for All!)

Post by balerion »

As the temperature continues to drop I fly on to the top of the guild building and stick my head through the nearest window. "Anyone Home???"
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: The Guild of Dark Sorcerers (RP for All!)

Post by Lethe »

What a bloody flaming waste of time this was turning out to be, Lethe had heard about the Tower, but it looked like a frozen marble statue and more useful for a prison, than a Fortress of Darkness. Muttering to herself, and far enough away from Spirus as not to matter. She had, had to check it out however, if she was to be the military protection of Spirus, she wanted to see what she was up against. This was one of several locations she planned to view before heading back to the Town.

"Bloody flaming waste of my time, just like that other report was, bloody flaming Shiara and her bloody flaming...job." Although the dragon suddenly appearing caused her to take a closer interest. "hmm..interesting" She walked forward breaking cover of the tree's with little concern. Her body clear liquid water, the light passing through her only bent a little and it would take a close eye to see the ripples as more than a shimmer. And a more experienced viewer to understand that they were seeing more than just a natural abberation. She was unafraid of being detected and she wanted a closer look at the tower now. Dragons didnt normally sit on towers, nor did the poke their head into them.

Searching for the nearest water source..she found a small lake..drawing the moisture to her, she brought it up under her feet and made it push her into the air level to the Dragon. Nothing obvious, unless you were to fly through it, then you would find yourself wet from a wall of fine mist. She was about 200 metres from the Dragon and on the opposite side of the tower too it, waiting to see what it would do next, or whether the occupants would show themselves, with interest. Truth be told Lethe had been searching this land for something to do with herself. Everything had seemed boring to her ancient soul...she had had no mind to settle to anything, which had been dissapointing, she'd had such high hopes on her initial arrival to the world of Secfenia, however, nothing had interested her. Gripe as she might at Shiara for naming her Spirus Town Commander without her consent, she had found a refreshed energy. And she rather was bloody flaming enjoying herself, not that she was going to admit that outloud. Flaming Shiara and her dirty tactics didnt deserve it at the very least.

Now all she needed was a flaming challenge. She rather figured Military types, specially those in charge of troops swore quite a bit, and she sure was relishing that part of her role, taking to it like a 'Naiad to Water'. Lethe floated around the tower a little bit more and waited for the show to begin.

(Yup, and done it seems, was coming here to be 'a friend'...however, consider me your enemy from now on, and also, try and keep up, we do admit to being much more craftier than you...*lays the challenge down*...(that was Lethe talking too by the way, now its the tpb...Im sure we are going to have some serious fun with this..muahahahaha. Love! er Hate!)).

Re: The Guild of Dark Sorcerers (RP for All!)

Post by koschei »

As Brikka pronounced the vow, Koschei did his part, drawing on the forces that would bind them all to their dark purpose... the air in the first-floor great hall grew sharp and chilled, breath frosted, a phantom wind howled from another time and place, and flecks of ice stung the face...

Then, the great voice without, like the felling of a hundred trees - or so it seemed to him. "Hey koschei can I come inside already? It's getting cold out here!"

Nodding to Brikka, he told her "That will be our new... student, I suppose." He paused, glancing around. "You know... of all the many interesting ways that I have met death, I have never actually been killed by a dragon before." He made an odd little noise in the back of his throat, then tapped the great front door until it opened.

Sticking his head out, he called out "Balerion, you big brute! Come on down here, we're just getting started." Glancing up toward the dragon, Koschei saw... something, perhaps.

In the back of his mind... a delicate sound, like crystal bells, but so faint, he wondered if he heard them at all... he shook his head, dismissing it, and turned back to the orc.

"I am sorry, I had hoped to show you this working immediately, but it seems we are to be interrupted. We may be a moment, so if you would just place the bird here for safe-keeping..."

He raised his hands and described a sphere in the air. Instantly, there appeared a ball of glowing frost, just large enough to fit the bird inside.

Re: The Guild of Dark Sorcerers (RP for All!)

Post by Brikka »

She held the bird up by it's feet and it woke from it's stupor. Seeing it's future cage, it started to screech and flap furiously. Brikka slowly raised her arm and put the bird against the edge of the frost sphere. Not sure what would happen, she tilted her head as the bird was seemingly drawn inside. She felt it tug away from her fingers and it was done. A small grin raised the corners of her mouth. This had been the right choice.

"It is done. How I can help with the new one, Master Koschei. I am to serve."

Re: The Guild of Dark Sorcerers (RP for All!)

Post by koschei »

Koschei grumbled wordlessly for a moment. "Go and see what the big lizard wants, eh? If he's coming in for a lesson he'd best be speedy. Otherwise, if he wants to adorn the top of the tower, that's his own affair."
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