AuroraKiye, Yverm Hunter, Explorer at Large

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AuroraKiye, Yverm Hunter, Explorer at Large

Post by AuroraKiye »

With the map of the entire Viceroyalty of Bravia spread before her, Arkie is spending some time looking at the map with a goal in mind. Some have suggested that the mines would be hot spots of yverm infestation, and some have suggested the shallows outside Paz.

Which to try first?

But first, she writes some letters to some other folks who she knows has been yverm hunting, to ask what they found to be successful, and in at least two cases, what they found to be deadly.

Re: AuroraKiye, Yverm Hunter, Explorer at Large

Post by thistletumbler »

getting word of arkies intentions to become a yvrym slayer, thistle sends her an encouraging letter...


good luck hunting those pests! i hope you slay many. if your looking for a spot, the shallows outside paz were good for me, so long as you have a boat. haha.

have fun.

he smiled to himself as he sent the letter off and hoped arkie killed alot of the annoying creatures....
Posts: 43
Joined: Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:43 pm

Re: AuroraKiye, Yverm Hunter, Explorer at Large

Post by Phillerpuff »

Puff watches as another hunter prepares, He sharpens yet another weapon to use on those foul things that hurt him so much.
He grins as he looks at his newly made armor he didn't have the first trip.

It won't be very long before I am ready to venture forth again to strike them down. he thinks to himself and continues making fine armor to aid himself and others in the quest.

Re: AuroraKiye, Yverm Hunter, Explorer at Large

Post by Shion »

Having heard rumors of Arkie's preparations to hunt yvyrm, Shion had sent out a letter to her friend. Though on a whim, she chose a slower method of delivery, entrusting the message to a construct. The little figure wandered into her home some weeks later, squarish body waddling on a short pair of legs. The construct tilted back as though looking at Arkie with its featureless square face, before holding out the "hand" bearing the letter.

I hope this letter finds you well. I'm sorry I haven't been keeping in touch but things have been so busy here, and I keep forgetting that people like to maintain regular contact and that mortals measure time on shorter intervals than I. Anyway, I heard you intend to go yvyrm hunting, and I want to wish you luck and provide advice. Much as I hate to admit it, I was recently ambushed and defeated by several of the little beasts. They're surprisingly intelligent, working together in small groups when they can. If their numbers are high enough, they can even manage to split the hunting party and force you to fight alone. You will need to be dextrous, physically fit, and skilled in order to defeat them, and even then they may drag you to a watery doom. (That's how they got me: dragged me underwater before I knew it, forcing me to abandon my body. Luckily I had packed an extra.)

Good luck and take care,


Re: AuroraKiye, Yverm Hunter, Explorer at Large

Post by AuroraKiye »

Having heard from several of her friends of the dangers of yverm hunting, Arkie is doubling her exercise and honing all her weapons to a fine point. The time has come to start this campaign, all her supplies have been gathered, and she will start off her hunting soon.
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