Why isn't there hording laws?

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Why isn't there hording laws?

Post by Aingeal »

There is a meat shortage in Cork. Yet a single person buys up all the steaks I put up on the market. Even worse... said person is a butcher... who was complaining about the price I had cow carcasses up. I sent the horder Saelav90 a letter:
Why would you buy all the steaks off the market, when there is a meat shortage in Cork. You yourself are a butcher, so there should be no reason for you to buy all the steaks from me.

You yourself complained about my carcass price, when in effect you just paid the same for my steaks. I put those steaks up so everyone may have meat, not for one spoiled brat to buy them all up.

No wonder the small ones suffer... with horders like you buying up the stat food.


Cork needs some laws... to stop things like this. Why does a butcher need to purchase 19 steaks in one sitting. You can't eat that many at once, and that could feed a couple people for a couple days, instead of one person for almost three weeks.

May 15, 1652 11:35 pm: You have sold 19 steaks at 16.00 each to SaelaV90

Of course she hasn't responded to my mail, so time to share it publicly with all!
Mother to Amara, Wife to Anessen, Guard of Fenia

Re: Why isn't there hording laws?

Post by Kane »

The problem with hoarding laws is that its always so hard to define what "hoarding" actually is. It's always relative to what else is on the market. For example, if there was 100 steaks on the market and someone bought 20, it wouldn't really be hoarding.

There really isn't a way to prove what was on the market at the exact time someone bought something.

Buying all the steak from the may be a little unfair, but it can't be illegal.

I don't know what the solution it, but I don't think a hoarding law would work.
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Re: Why isn't there hording laws?

Post by Logo »

Hearing the ungenerous and judgmental speech, a troll growled.
He wondered at the ideas that passed for fairness among some of his fellow creatures and considered walking by. Remembering how helpful he had found it when others alerted him to his own hypocrisies, he decided against it.


d'y'Ou think imma should rant publicly because somewho boughted all the cow carcasses posteded onna cork market yesterwhen?
You wanna see that creature mocked azza spoilded brat anna thrown inna jail?

Izza silliness to be calling misbehavings inna markets or inna buyers who simply accept an offer, publicly anna freely made.
Iffy izza worrisome to see your goodses boughted quickly at the price you request, the blames anna bad-thinkings izza yours.

Izza no reason for cluttering up statutes anna courts with nuisance laws anna cases.
Iffy you want 'your steakses bougted over time -- keep 'em inna your personal hoarde anna sell 'em slow.
iffy you're not liking the price ,set it higher -- expeshiallishy iffy you think izza shortage, and wanna encouragate higher productations.

As for meat-product shortages inna this viceroyalty ... izza none.
Izza 278 chicken legses onna VR fair: 100 izza at 7.25F anna 178 izza at 8F -- a small portion of vr stocks.
izza pluckeded chichens anna cow carcasses onna fair to buy as well

As for steaks relative to chickhen legses ... steaks hazza always been less plentiful.
Economish reasons seems clear:
a) cow carcasses cost more to produce per eventual hunger point (Historically eggs cover 100% of chicken production costs. milk and hides from cows have not.)
b) most profitable cow ranching is done by butchers who tend to avoid selling carcasses
c) to most consumators, 2 chickhen legses izza equal to a steak. Higher supply means 2 legs cost less than 1 steak.
d) Those who want steakses instead of legs, use steaks to overeat for extra strength. These creatures can and do pay premium price. Seems fair to me 'cuz there izza fewer over-eaters.
e) Izza recent change to decrease the production costs of steaks anna increase value of carcasses, but imma 'spect it will take time for markets and productions to adjust.

BTW, izza doing no favor to local economys inna pushing lower priceses... izza just more bad thinking. No 'small ones' suffer from rising goods prices anna higher wages. Iffy anywhat, the small ones izza helped cuz th'nflation makes fixeded costs of progress relatively lower.
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Re: Why isn't there hording laws?

Post by Zechin »

Zechin passes and frowns slightly then sighs.

"They're laws preventing hoarding but there are no laws clearly defining hoarding for this is your law...for hoarding."
I-2 Market Manipulation
Taking advantage of the local economy for unreasonable personal gain or to do harm to others is strictly prohibited. Any person hoarding goods, creating and abusing a monopoly, or buying and re-selling of items on the Bravia market at prices exceeding the original purchase price may be charged with Fraud and brought to trial. Mayors conducting legitimate business on behalf of the Town Hall or VR and players exchanging goods via the market by previous agreement are exempted. If found guilty the Court may fine the accused up to twice the total amount of the offending market goods and up to 3 days in jail.
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Re: Why isn't there hording laws?

Post by Aingeal »

Zechin I am unsure where you got such law. Cork has NO laws on the books, and current VR law states:
IV. Market Laws – Laws governing markets and market transactions shall be left up to the individual towns. The Viceroy makes no requirement to have market laws at this time. However, the Viceregal Court shall uphold any market laws established by the town as long as the laws are stickied in the town forum and clearly titled as Town Laws. Violations of town market laws will be prosecuted by the Viceregal Court and judged as mild to serious depending on the extent of damages.
Just cause Bravia Towne has laws, they don't apply to Cork.
Logo wrote:BTW, izza doing no favor to local economys inna pushing lower priceses... izza just more bad thinking. No 'small ones' suffer from rising goods prices anna higher wages. Iffy anywhat, the small ones izza helped cuz th'nflation makes fixeded costs of progress relatively lower.
How am I pushing lower prices? 4 carcasses at 22 is 88f, add in 6f for a knife and 25f wage... that comes to 119f. Divide that by 10 steaks... that is a cost of 11.90f. How much must everyone gouge the public for meat? At 16f... you are making a profit of over 60f a day. With this math, carcasses should be about 31f then to produce steaks at 16f with a 30 a day wage. So as long as I can find carcasses under 30f, I'll cut steaks all day long.
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Re: Why isn't there hording laws?

Post by Logo »

That wazza what your focus in my wordses?
Imma apologerizing, Aingeal. Izza my mistake inna lack of clarity -- or maybehaps putting too many wordses inna one spot. Imma intendered that bit 'bouts pricings azza tangential argument -- to preempt those who disdain inflation with wordses like 'taking advantagerages' & accusations of gouging. Please forgive..

My point, specifisally to your question, was that sellers control their public offerings. you coulda solded your steaks slow iffy you wanted them bought that way - anna secondarishy, izza no general shortage or need to warranting punative legislative action or invoking politics of insufficiency.
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Re: Why isn't there hording laws?

Post by Aingeal »

Tis ok Logo, perhaps I wasn't clear, I was pretty upset at the time. I would rather put bulk up, and let them be bought throughout the day... rather than a few here and there. Also I can't be running back and forth to the market to toss more steaks that way. My other concern is another butcher buying them up, when she can make her own, and others that can't then don't have the meat available.
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Re: Why isn't there hording laws?

Post by balerion »

I as a butcher have bought meat before when taking rigorous classes at the university. Learning to me takes precedence over cutting up some meat when I could have someone else do it. If you raise prices then it is less likely one person will buy them all and if you don't want to hurt the poor you could sell the same meat at different prices.
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