[RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

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[RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

It had been several weeks since everything exploded around Thorn, shaking her whole world and her confidence in everything, especially herself. In that time she had seen few and talked to less, barely doing any of her duties and never going to the Town Hall. She never left the safety of her four walls, apart from to go into the garden where she preferred to be. She sat out in the rose garden for hours, silent with her thoughts, hiding away from everyone, everything. She was tormented by what should have been the happiest time of her life, to actually watch everything around her dissolve into chaos. Her mind could not deal with the confusion and her mixed feelings. She felt suffocated as fresh waves of emotion swept over her.

From where she sat Thorn looked across the garden at the Manor. DarkSilence was somewhere, probably in her room, and she was glad that her sister spent a lot of time meditating by herself. She wondered how much her sister knew and shook her head at her own stupidity. Of course she knew, she would have seen, would hear her. Thorn sighed. She had kept to herself since, had avoided her sister even, but knew DarkSilence would be worried. Right now Thorn did not want to be near anyone, half from need of silence and space, but also scared to let anyone come near her right now.

Amladris was gone to her. It all happened so quickly and remembering she felt her eyes fill up, tears begin to fall again and furiously she rubbed at her eyes with both hands not wanting to cry again. The servants had been given strict instructions to admit no one, that if it was town business to go see the Mentor and if it was anything to do with the Manor to speak to her sister. Thorn did not wish to see anyone. Standing slowly Thorn started to walk towards the Manor. As she got to the doors that led directly into the library she entered, leaving them open, and sat in one of the comfy seats near them, looking out at the garden.

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by DarkSilence »

The room was beginning to feel stuffy. Most of her time was spent either in here or wandering around the gardens. DarkSilence could feel her sister, could feel her pain almost as if it was her own. It echoed inside her soul, and her heart felt as if it collapsing. But she could also feel Thorn’s fervent wish to be alone. Which DarkSilence had indulged.... until now.

She launched herself off of the bed that she had been perched upon and strode purposefully out of the room, her normally light feet striking the floor harshly and noisily, her dark dress swirling around her.

Walking through the house, she could feel the tense atmosphere of the house invading her mind. The staff of the house, in deference to the pain suffered from the lady of the house, spoke in hushed tones. The warmth had been stolen from the house.

The doors to the library were open, and it was there that DarkSilence headed. She saw her sister sitting and gazing out into the garden.

Enough is enough, Thorn. She spoke strongly. You have immersed yourself in this undeserved sadness for long enough. It’s time to fight your way out of it. Come on.

She held her hand out, waiting to see if Thorn would take it.

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

Thorn heard sounds, then she heard the footsteps stomping down the stairs and she shook her head, knowing where they were headed, wishing her sister would not. She heard DarkSilence reach the bottom of the stairs and then enter the library and did not turn to look at her or greet her. She stayed facing the garden and listened to DarkSilence's words. She let her wait a few minutes before replying.

Go away, she said, her voice low yet clear. I'm fine.

Thorn stayed as she had been when her sister had entered the room.

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by DarkSilence »

No I won't, and no you're not! There is something that I need to show you, Thorn. I am not leaving until you come with me.

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

Knowing how stubborn her sister was Thorn sighed. Why cant you just have let me have a little longer to get my bearings, she thought, hoping DarkSilence heard. Then slowly she turned to look at her sister, her face not hiding her anger at her, and at the same time her eyes revealing more.

You never could leave me alone could you sister?
she finally said, defeat in her voice. Have it your way, but be warned I do it my way afterwards.

Standing Thorn stepped away from the doors and begrudgingly took her sister's hand.

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by DarkSilence »

You've tried doing it your way, Thorn. Now it's my turn.

DarkSilence clasped hands with her sister and closed her eyes. In a language that she had learnt in her years of training, she began to whisper. She could feel the clouds gathering in the sky above the manor, blocking out the sunlight and chilling the world.

Close your eyes. It makes it easier.

Without checking that her sister had followed her suggestion, she completed the incantation.

Despite how long she had been travelling this way, her stomach still rolled uncomfortably as the world disappeared from under them. Holding Thorn's hands tightly, they fell through the air. Thundrous noise rushed past, deafening in its intensity, as they continued to fall at a hurried pace. The landing was easy, as simple and as graceful as stepping down the stairs. DarkSilence opened her eyes, smiling as she looked around the familiar dark surroundings.

It was daylight and every detail was clear, yet the world was dark, almost as if the brightness had been bleached out. They stood outside, surrounded by thick woodland, looking towards a small thatched cottage. Dark red, dark blue, and black five-petal flowers grew in a perimeter around the house, some stretching up as high as the windowpanes. The thorns that decorated the dark green stems were barbed and vicious looking. Yet the aroma was intoxicatingly sweet.

Raising her arms upwards and towards the cottage, a stream of silver light reached outwards, touching the flowers in front of the door. Bathed in the light, the flowers faded into it until a path leading to the door was opened.

Welcome to my home, Thorn. Welcome to the Dark-Faery Realm.

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

Thorn clenched her mouth shut to stop herself saying anything in response to her sister and watched as her sister started to whisper, understanding nothing of it. She saw a growing darkness and was relieved when DarkSilence told her to shut her eyes, doing so immediately. As soon as she heard her sister stop whispering she felt an odd sensation in her stomach as suddenly there was nothing beneath her feet, and noise. Then on feeling ground Thorn opened her eyes.

Where? was all she asked, then turning only her head to look around them she frowned, knowing this was a dark realm. She did not know where but she knew her sister. She saw a cottage, quaint if not for its surroundings, the strangest flowers. Thorn watched as her sister did something and there was a path.

Take me home DarkSilence,
she said quietly. She looked at her sister, her eyes angry. I wont have any part of this realm.

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by DarkSilence »

DarkSilence ignored her sister's anger, recognising it for what it really was. Indulge me, Thorn. Please. There is a point to be made.

She began to walk down the newly-opened path, leaving her sister standing where she was. The door opened on its own accord, admitting DarkSilence home.

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

As DarkSilence walked away from her Thorn fumed. She should have known better than to let her sister take her anywhere without first being told. As the door to the cottage opened of its own accord Thorn realised she was about to be left standing alone outside and decided to follow, her eyes open for any surprises, not knowing what her sister had set up around her cottage. Seeing her sister enter the cottage she quickened her pace, reaching the door and taking a deep breath entered.

Now what? she asked entering the cottage, looking round to see where her sister was.

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by DarkSilence »

As Thorn entered behind her, DarkSilence willed the door to close, all of the dark light disappearing. The happiness that she felt at being home was almost overwhelming. The only thing that made it less pleasureable was the mistrust that came in waves from her sister. But she hoped that that would change.

The candles around the room and hanging from the ceiling burst into life, filling the room with a soft glow. The main room, although a little dusty and cold from her absence, still held the warmth and homely feel that she was used to. It was small but snug, and slightly cluttered. The scents of drying herbs wafted down from the bedroom above them, filling the cottage with a mixed aroma.


It's not as grand as the manor, but it's home. She turned to Thorn. What do you think?
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