[RP] The Temple

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[RP] The Temple

Post by Eira »

Eira had been looking for some eggs on the market for a few days now. Her purse was heavy with money she had earned form selling all the oranges she had picked from the orchard and she now wanted something to spend it on. Hearing that the Town Hall was selling eggs, Eira got her basket and bought a couple of them and walked towards the temple. Not sure why she had to juggle eggs here, in the temple, she knew it was the only place it worked. It was like some kind of.. magic would fill you if you didn't break eggs and make you feel refreshed. That was at least what she had been told. She had tried juggling eggs once before and broke all 3. Sad and disappointed, she hadn't tried juggling any more. But today, Eira felt was a special day.

She stood at the place that was said to give the most luck when juggling eggs. An X was drawn on the stone floor with chalk. Picking up 3 eggs from her basket, Eira started to juggle them. "Oh.. this is going pretty good!" she said to herself and wondered for how long she needed to juggle them. Suddenly she lost the grip of an egg and tried to catch it, which made another egg drop with a breaking sound on the floor. Eira looked at the egg she had left in her hand and put it back in the basket. She had this odd feeling in her body. Was she imaging it? she wasn't sure..

"What a waste... poor you.. I'm so sorry.. " Eira said and looked at the broken eggs. She then got and idea and picked up her basket and placed it under her arm. Kneeling down on the floor, she scraped together the eggs and held them in her hands. Omelette for the king! She smiled happily and walked home, towards the castle. Next day, she would bring a bucket with her. Maybe she would sense the odd feeling again too.
Project LVI

Re: [RP] The Temple

Post by Project LVI »

As the King comes to the temple to juggle he smiles as he sees Eira at the 'luckiest spot' and smiles as she cleans up after herself

Look at that Eira. Cleaning up her mess so the temple workers have that little less to do. What a sweet woman! He thinks to himself

He walks up to the x mark on the floor, and drops only one egg

"Gah! Oh well... I will leave you to your work."

He smiles at someone who seems to be new in Imperius and gives them a small pat on the back before leaving

Re: [RP] The Temple

Post by Eira »

Great Mage Zachrin,

I have heard you are the mage that is most protective and I would kindly ask for a blessing while I travel to fish, and that I will not drown, and that I will catch the largest, yummiest fish.

I will travel tomorrow. I look forward to your blessing!

Eira pinned the note on the temple's notice board as she knew Zachrin read it religiously every day ;)

Re: [RP] The Temple

Post by Eira »

"eww.. yuck.. Disgusting!" Wherever Eira set down her feet they sank down into old, rotten eggs. The smell was almost unbearable but she held her head high. "I can do this!" However, holding your head high when you need to look at the floor is no good! Eira slipped on some week old remains of broken eggs and fell. Her basket which contained the eggs she was to juggle today flew across the temple and she could hear several of them break as it hit the floor. Covered in old eggs and eggshells she got up and walked very carefully to her basket. 3 eggs were still left. "Good, I can still juggle. Thank you mages" she mumbled.

She found a good spot to juggle at, took the eggs and threw them up in their air. As she as to catch them, they all slipped out of her hands. The broken eggs in her basket had covered them with slime. 1.. 2.. 3.. "NOOOOooooo....!" Her shout could probably be heard all over Imperius, if not all over Fenia. Eira dragged her feet out of the temple, leaving a trail of egg slime from the Temple to the King's Castle.

Re: [RP] The Temple

Post by Djarl »

As he introduces himself, someone pushes a cloth in his hands, telling him he should go to the temple, cleaning things up. Not understanding, he goes in search for the temple. Asking a passer-by for direction, the man makes a face and says: "just use your nose." Djarl is puzzled, not understanding the comment. He'd heard vaguer comments, such as: search your heart for the road to take, or if the gods want it, they will lead your steps, but as for unhelpful comments, he thought to himself, this is by far the stupidest. It didn't even have religion in it! Just as he wanted to reply something sarcastic, he notices a vague smell of what seemed rotten eggs in the air. Not understanding why a temple would smell like that, he follows the smell. After a while, the smell gets stronger, until he reaches the temple, where the smell is almost unbearable. He stares aghast at the slimy mess in front of him, his open mouth make him look like a dimwit. Still it was better then breath through your nose and actually smell something ...

Re: [RP] The Temple

Post by Eira »

Priest Xavier! Priest Xavier! Eira called out and waited for the priest to respond. Her shouts echoed through the temple.

Re: [RP] The Temple

Post by Xavier »

Xavier heard the echo ring out through the chambers. He got up from his dark, secluded office and walked out into the main hall. Yes, what is it...pesky mortals...always in a god damn rush...What!

Re: [RP] The Temple

Post by Eira »

Ignoring Xavier's words Eira straightened her back and looked at him. Nice to see you too Priest Xavier. I would like to request a field blessing.

Re: [RP] The Temple

Post by Xavier »

Xavier scratched his head and thought about it... Very well...let's make this quick then. Xavier went out the back and got his staff and sword, both glowing green at his touch. He picked up a few flasks of coloured potions and took with him the book of the mythos and threw it all into a small sachel, tieing the sword around his robes at the waist and using his staff as a walking stick. He went back out... My dear Eira...shall we go bless a field? Xavier had a twisted smile but had no evil intentions behind it...he walked out of the temple expecting her to follow.

Re: [RP] The Temple

Post by homersonofsimp »

Homer came to the temple to speak with Xavier. seeing him engaged with another supplicant, he asks if its alright if he tags along. He tips his hat to the lady and introduces himself. "I am Padre Homer, priest of Widu and seeker after truth."
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