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For beginning players, the temple can be seen as just a place to visit to checkmark off on your checklist, however, there are many more functions for players, and a whole hidden side for the priest of the temple. Temples can be aligned to dark, light, or neutral. Shrines also exist on the road and share some similar public features, but are not managed by others.

Temple Levels

There are 3 possible levels for the Temple. The temple can be built up by an upgrade system used by the Priests. The 3 levels are:

Level 1: Temple Level 2: Basilica (Allows for 2 Religious Services a week) Level 3: Cathedral (Allows for 3 Religious Services a week)

The Public Side

When exploring the world of Secfenia, one place one should visit is the Temple. There are essentially two sides of the Temple. The public side is where most of the people of Secfenia will see. To go to the Temple, go to Town > Temple/Basilica/Cathedral

From there, you will have several different options to pick from. If you are a Priest, Deacon, or Overseer for that Temple, you will be able to enter your office.

Work Options

From there, everyone can work in the Temple which you will receive 1 Worker Point and some Freznics for. The specific amount is determined by the Priest.

You can also choose to beg all day if you wish. This will net you money.

Religious Services

The Temple screen will also show when different religious services occur. Each service is prepared by a Priest or Deacon. There are several different types of services they can offer. Each service has a chance to improve your mood if you attend. In addition, your alignment may be altered by attending.

Faithful Requests

Starting with 3.1.013, there are two categories for Faithful Requests.

Common Requests

Common Requests are fulfilled by Priests or Deacons except for Divorce

1) Blessing: Alignment Adjustment Towards Light/Dark

2) Cursing: Alignment Change away from Light/Dark

3) Transform Box: Turns a gift box into a marriage box

4) Wedding Counseling: Alerts the Priest of your intention

5) Divorce Request: Any shared assets will be lost and marriage removed [NOTE: This will be moved at a later time to Union Requests]

6) Laying of Hands: Reduces Disease or Infection

Union Requests

Union Requests involve Marriage between two individuals. Starting with 3.1.013, a Union request will require the following before a Priest or Overseer can complete it:

1) The Potential Partner accepts the Request [They are given an option to deny the request]

2) All fees must be paid in full. The money goes directly into the Temple's funds and is set by the Priest

Ranks of the Temple

Serving the temples at the town level are the Deacons and Priests. They process most of the Faithful Requests as well as handle mass. There is currently no requirement on what way or level they must be. However, it is beneficial to have a level 4 Priest or Sorcerer in one of these two roles.

The local Deacon is the lowest rank of the local Temple and is appointed the by Priest. This position is not elected and can be changed at any time by the Priest.

The highest rank at the local Temple level is the Priest. The Priest is responsible for making sure that the Temple stays active and interactive. Priests are selected by the Overseer of the Diocese and can be changed at any time.

The Overseer is selected by the Priests and Deacons once every 30 days. They may also resign which would start a new selection process.

The Inner Chambers

The Inner Chambers is where most of the Priest and Deacon internal functions are done at. Inside these chambers, the Clergy can do the following things:

  • view the Temple Treasury
  • adjust and view the Temple Beggar Fund (money given to beggars)
  • view, donate, and hire for Faith points
  • view and hire for Communication points
  • view and hire for Audit Points (New in 3.1.010)
  • fix corruption (New in 3.1.010)
  • prepare and change the date of mass
  • process all requests of the Faith (including marriage!)

It is important to note that Faith points (FP) are required to do the following requests of the faith:

  • blessings (2 FP)
  • cursings (2 FP)
  • transform box (5 FP): Turns a gift box into a marriage box to be used by a married couple
  • divorce (7 FP) [Can only be done by overseers]

If Temples do not do a mass every 14 days, it can result in a loss of aura as well as an increase in corruption.

Finally, the clergy in the Inner Chambers may also send a mass mail to all the people who are currently in town. The cost for this is the population of the town divided by 12.

The Overseer Chamber

The Overseer is responsible for a number of Temples in a region. Their goal should always be to ensure that there are active Priests in every single Temple. If need be, they have the ability to remove and appoint a new Priest. They can not, however, appoint Deacons.

In their chamber, they can view the last performed mass as well as the financial details in every Temple. They can also transfer money to a temple or receive funds from a temple. They also have the ability to perform most actions that a Priest or Deacon can do if need be. Functions that they can not do include mass mail.

They are responsible for all divorces. It is imperative that an Overseer warn about the consequences of divorce. Once processed, any items in a marriage box is destroyed and can not be returned to either party. It is not something that should be done on a whim.

To process any request of the faith, they must go to the temple where the person puts in the request. This way they can take care of any personal touches. It is advised that the Temple members should publicly interact in the forums, but this may not be a requirement enforced by the Overseer.

Aura and Path

The Aura of a temple is it's protection against being taken over. The lower the Aura the more likely it can be lost. The Aura works in a similar way to the town walls. A temple may be assisted by the Town Militia if the Mayor selects this option.

A priest can select the path of the temple for a cost of 50 Faith Points. By doing so, the priest announces to any visitors their path. This will change how certain functions work in the temple.

In order for a revolt or besiege to happen, first Chaos must be cast successfully. It takes 15 Faith Points (FP) to attempt to cast Chaos. Anyone who has mastered the skill "The Black Book" can attempt to cast Chaos.

Path of Light

The path of light will results in the following:

  • Mass: Improves Mood, Raises Alignment of Player
  • Work Temple: Raises Aura, Raises Alignment of Player
  • Donate: Raises Alignment of Player
  • Clean Windows: Raises Alignment of Player, Raises Aura (Small Chance for Social Point)
  • Break Windows: Lowers Alignment of Player, Lowers Aura

Path of Darkness

The path of darkness will result in the following:

  • Mass: Improves Mood, Lowers Alignment of Player
  • Work Temple: Raises Aura, Lowers Alignment of Player
  • Donate: Lowers Alignment of Player
  • Clean Windows: Lowers Alignment of Player, Raises Aura (Small Chance for Social Point)
  • Break Windows: Raises Alignment of Player, Lowers Aura

Begging all day is not effected by the path and lowers alignment.

Path of Neutrality

The path of Neutrality will result in the following:

  • Mass: Improves Mood, Brings Alignment of Player closer to zero
  • Work Temple: Raises Aura, Brings Alignment of Player closer to zero
  • Donate: Brings Alignment of Player closer to zero
  • Clean Windows: Brings Alignment of Player closer to zero, Raises Aura (Small Chance for Social Point)
  • Break Windows: Drives Alignment of Player further from zero, Lowers Aura

Begging all day is not effected by the path and lowers alignment.

See Also