Level IV

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Reaching level IV is to cross the dividing line over a mere characters. Your name is known. Level IV is about the groundwork that makes it feared.

Requirements for Level IV

Additions to Reaching Level IV

  • Unlocks creation of Guilds
  • Unlocks Legendary Knowledges
  • Unlocks Private Shops

University and Way Studies

Reaching Level 4, more university classes will open up to you. As a general rule, the way that you pick will have 7 classes. Once you have mastered these 7 classes, you may move on to mastering any other way that you wish to master. However, your skill will always be more proficient in whichever skills are in your chosen way. Unlike fields and workshops, your way can not be altered without using a potion. It is suggested strongly that you consider the options carefully before choosing.

One of the things to consider is that each way has a bonus way weapon for each of the 5 weapon classes. In addition, Warrior way will enable you to get Army Points which can be hired for or used in various manners to help military purposes.

The two magical ways also includes spells which will go off during battle if you have the required Faith Points. Faith Points are generated daily if you have mastered the skill "Zachre" or the skill "Into the Abyss".

Now, let's move on to talk about the different ways you can choose.


Rogue way characters are typically interested in politics, diplomacy, or being sneaky. This was was introduced in Version 2r50 replacing State Way.

Skills include:

All Rogue way players receive a way bonus for daggers.

To become Rogue way, you will need at least 500 Charisma. The other requirements are listed on the final page of this Tutorial.

You can always view additional information about the books for these skills by going to Support > Skills of Secfenia


Warrior way (formerly Army way) is the dark side of the physical world: the skills and tactics of military combat. Warrior ways may generate Army Points which help an army exist as efficiently as possible. Characters interested in military strategy and the art of war may consider following this path.

Army Points, which are generated, may be used either for personal armies, other armies, or even given to the Viceroyalty via a Point Job. This allows a bit of flexibility in whom you wish to aid militarily. It should also be noted that armies raised do not officially belong to any Viceroyalty. As such, if an army leader gets betrayed, they could in turn wreak havoc as mercenaries. Armies can also fly whichever VR's flag they want.

Finally, all Warrior way players receive a way bonus for swords. This may be very handy in picking out your weapon of destruction.

To become Warrior way, you will need at least 500 Strength. The other requirements are listed on the final page of this Tutorial.


A Priest follows the white side of the magic world. Healing and defense bonuses are part of being a priest. Characters interested in the study of spirituality, the powers of the mind, and healing magics may consider following the Priest way.

Priests are also a key component in the Temple management in the towns of cities. They can be appointed by Overseers who help manage the Temple Resources throughout a Viceroyalty. Other ways may choose to be a Priest or Deacon in a Temple, but may not generate the Faith Points necessary to perform some of the actions.

Finally, Priest ways get a bonus for Staves.

To become Priest way, you will need at least 500 Intelligence. The other requirements are listed on the final page of this Tutorial.


A Sorcerer follows the dark side of the magic world. Their main focus is the art of the magical attack and crippling their opponents on the battlefield. Characters interested in the study of the darker powers of the mind and mystical harm may consider following the Sorcerer way.

Sorcerer ways can learn special spells like disarm and blind which further help reduce their opponents into whining creatures crying out for mommy.

In addition, some Sorcerers may take their view of the world into the Temples as they can generate Faith Points. Some may call it a wolf in sheep clothing, but others would just say it's valid "truth" telling.

Finally, Sorcerer way players get a weapon bonus for Axes.

To become Sorcerer way, you will need at least 500 Intelligence. The other requirements are listed on the final page of this Tutorial.


A Defender is focused more on defending themselves and territory. It was introduced as a player collaborated idea in Version 2r50.

Defender ways can learn special spells which further help reduce their opponents into whining creatures crying out for mommy over how little they just can't take over anything they want.

Skills include:

  • Defense Basics: Learns the basics of a good defense
  • First Strike: Chance to fire volley of arrows [Bows Only] ahead of first round
  • Resist Magic: Chance to Lower potential magical damage from attackers
  • Resist Physical: Chance to Lower potential physical damage from attackers
  • Dodge: Small Chance to have damage miss
  • Parry: Small Chance to have damage miss
  • Counter: Increase Chance of Attack Potential

Finally, Defender way players get a weapon bonus for Bows.

To become Defender way, you will need at least 500 Dexterity. The other requirements are listed on the final page of this Tutorial.

You can always view additional information about the books for these skills by going to Support > Skills of Secfenia

Finishing Thoughts

Reaching Level 4 is a milestone in your development of your character, but it does not have to be the final one. One of the most important things you can do for your character is help define them in the role-playing world. If you haven't already, this is a great opportunity for you. If you have already, perhaps it is time to reach out to new people to help mix up the world you live in.

You will gain 20 Level 4 Tokens when you level. These tokens may be used towards your stats, towards weapon proficiencies under 75%, or for classes in the University that you have started, but not finished. To use them, go to Viceroyalty > Level Tokens.

All in all, there are many different types of opportunities in the World of Secfenia. If you ever have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to mention them in the Suggestion Box located in the forums.

See Also