My Stats Tutorial

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Throughout your existence in Secfenia, your character will have certain stats that can grow based upon your choices. Secfenia has a 4 basic stat system (Charisma, Strength, Intelligence and Dexterity) with some extended stats (Attack, Defense and Health) for battle. This tutorial will help you understand the basic stat system as well as the extended stats.

To view your stats, just go to Me > My Full Stats


Charisma is obtained from eating certain items like Fruits or Vegetables. These items can be purchased from the Town Market. Fruits are also available in certain towns with an Orchard. Charisma is also added by certain types of equipment.

Charisma is a factor in the following categories:

  • Being able to go to mass even if you are unclean (it's one factor)
  • Market Purchases (ties go to Higher Charisma)
  • Viceregal Revolts (ties go to Higher Charisma first)
  • Town Revolts (ties go to Higher Charisma)
  • Temple Revolts (ties go to Higher Charisma)
  • Viceroy Selection (ties go to Higher Charisma)
  • Looting a Grave (factor in Being Seen)
  • Stop Robbing (factor in not being robbed)
  • Help Morale of the Army not decrease as much
  • Listing of Available Jobs in Town
  • Bonus in Tending Flowers in Town Graveyard
  • Persuading Peasant Mobs
  • One of the Stats determining Health

Charisma is capped at 250 until you master How to Win Friends allowing you to then go up to 500. You can then master How to Influence People to make the cap 1000. Finally, you can master Art of Diplomacy to reach the maximum 1500.


Strength is obtained from eating certain items like Steak or Chicken Legs. These items can be purchased from the Town Market. These items typically come from Butchers who get supplies from Cow and Chicken farms.

Strength is a factor in the following categories:

  • Viceregal Revolts (one of the tie breakers)
  • Town Revolts (one of the tie breakers)
  • Temple Revolts (one of the tie breakers)
  • Viceroy Selection (one of the tie breakers)
  • Battles and Duels
  • Which Army determines the VR switch of winning armies
  • One of the stats that determine HP

Strength is capped at 250 until you master Toning the Body allowing you to then go up to 500. You can then master Aerobics to make the cap 1000. Finally, you can master Mastering the Body to reach the maximum 1500.


Intelligence is obtained from eating certain items like Fish or Fish Sandwiches. You can also get Intelligence from drinking Milk. These items can be purchased from the Town Market. Fish are also available in certain towns with a Lake. Intelligence is also added by certain types of equipment.

Intelligence is a factor in the following categories:

  • Looting a Grave
  • Viceregal Revolts (a tie-breaker)
  • Town Revolts (a tie-breaker)
  • Temple Revolts (a tie-breaker)
  • Viceroy Selection (a tie-breaker)
  • May give bonus when chopping with an axe
  • May give bonus when Mining

Intelligence is capped at 250 until you master Honing the Mind allowing you to then go up to 500. You can then master Consistency of Pi to make the cap 1000. Finally, you can master Imaginary Numbers to reach the maximum 1500.


Dexterity is obtained from juggling eggs in the training ground. Eggs can be obtained from the Town Market. (Eggs come from Chickens). Dexterity may also be added by certain types of equipment.

Dexterity is a factor in the following categories:

  • Looting a Grave
  • Viceregal Revolts (a tie-breaker)
  • Town Revolts (a tie-breaker)
  • Temple Revolts (a tie-breaker)
  • Viceroy Selection (a tie-breaker)
  • Looting a Grave (factor in Being Seen)
  • Stop Robbing (factor in not being robbed)
  • Battles
  • Listing of Available Jobs in Town

Dexterity is capped at 250 until you master Mastering the Art of Juggling allowing you to then go up to 500. You can then master Juggling Fruits to make the cap 1000. Finally, you can master Juggling Sharp Objects to reach the maximum 1500.

Other Stats

Attack and Defense is obtained primarily through certain types of equipment. These stats are used in battles, fights, and duels.

Level 3's also gain stats when they master certain classes in the University. Once you are level 3, those stat categories will show up on the My Stats screen.

One's Health level is a tiered percentage of one's HP. Your Maximum HP is updated every reset and is determine by the adding up the following numbers:

  • 100 * Your Level
  • Strength
  • Charisma
  • 250 Base

The range of HP ranges from 250 to 3850.

Most other stats are displayed on the My Stats page.

Worker/Social Points and Alignment

Worker Points are given when you hire another player or if you work in the Temple, Basilica, or Cathedral. Worker points are required to level.

Social Points are given by other players. Town Mentors can help give them as well as help others give you some. If you have some left to give, you can contact your town mentor as well to see who to give them to. Social points are factored in tie-breakers for certain positions, so it's a good idea to help others.

Alignment ranges from -1000 to 1000. Every character starts at 0. Alignment changes any time there is a battle, fight, duel, or by breaking or cleaning windows. Alignment is split into three categories: Dark, Neutral, and Light. Certain items give an alignment bonus.

See Also